When You are feeling sad - it seems the entire world is against You and everything seems terrible...Cheer up because that means something great is on its way to meet you...after dark clouds a shine and bright sunrise.
by Isabel Medina
Imagem de Kani Polat
"There are so many different ways to achieve victory. Try at least one of them."
"I don't care if you have nothing as long as deep inside you're everything, you wish everything, you powerfully win every stage with a smile and you live your life full of passion...it seems a cliché? Well, I don’t care... as that’s what it takes for me to love you."
by Isabel Medina
Fosse ela meu amor
Mar de sonhar
A paz que eu busco
Fosse ela negra
Como a que eu amo
De formas voluptuosas
Aquela que eu clamo
Fosse ela
Esta que me procura
Fosse ela completa
Minha inspiração seria
O fim da tortura
Nos braços da eternidade
Fosse ela aquela
Meu corpo repousaria
by Isabel Medina
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