Not Delivered
Meus momentos... Pensamentos...Poesia(??) não Recitada..Palavras silenciadas... Cartas não Enviadas... Imagem by Kiramed
I want to desperately
In all languages I know
I want to draw my life in
I don't want to hide
Be shy about it anymore
I want to
Share my verbs
Mixed with adjectives
I want my subject
Reinvented in paper
Beautifully dancing
In a screen
In your eyes
I want you to see me
Humanly wired
Without understanding the
north and south's of being
Written Words have always
been my compass
Showing me my inside
- Heart Soul Mind
Words made me look and see
My understanding of me
The world
Dressed with sentences
Exclamation marks
Phrases of phases
saw your number on my phone
heart jumped
love, hope and pain
an inebriating cocktail
couldn't pick it up
didn't want to
For the first time
had so much hurt in my soul
my heart
Making its way through my head
Ready to fly out my lips
The only thing stopping them
The vision of them reaching you
body felt you could feel meI'm
mind told me you could see meI'm
heart believed you could love meSo
the words flying out of your mouthCold
the ungiven kissesDesired
and touch never fulfilledThe
100 steps back after 1 step forward
You said
heard itMy
heart did its own thing
Tales of the girl who wanted to live with the Sun - Page 1
Photo by Avany Medina - Sunrise in Greece
Porque o abandono?
Estive num sono
Profundo... Pensei sem retorno
Mas voltei
Me encontrei
De novo... Me asusta as minhas viagens
Obscuro, escuridao
#Rien m’a vu
#Nadie me escucho
Ate que o sol me iluminou
E me falou
E me mostrou
Take me in your heart
Keep me there
And life will begin
Me encontrei
O sol vive em mim
Eterno infinito, double infinity, sem fim
‘Slay in your
Lane’ book advises black women to create their own definition of success. That
is why I am here now. To establish what is success for me. To hold me
responsible for my own success standards and its achievement.
Since little you
will find all around definitions of success. Get married. Have kids. Beautiful
perfect family picture. Career. 6 figures. Beauty. Perfection. Basically,
playing a role in a script written to fit in millions lives.
Those are some
possible definitions. Not tailored to you. Not taking into account your story,
your journey, what you want and what you need. And following those blindly is what
brings unhappiness and frustration.
Today I finally
realised what is my definition of success. For me is ‘I did it my way’ as one
of my favourite songs.
I was supposed to have died. Years after I have found myself in the cross of not wanting to live in this world. Somehow, I managed to survive. Reborn. I am alive. That is my first definition of success. Being able to come back from your worse, start over, reinvent yourself and keep going with a smile that is born from the within.
I will not lie.
You may lose yourself again along the way. Is not easy. It can be exhausting. Doubts
will be a constant. But it can also lead to the happiest realisations and
moments of your life. The process makes you realise your strength, your beauty.
It gives you confidence and the ability to believe in yourself. It also puts
your life into perspective. Get rid of unnecessary weights and people wasting
your energy. It reroutes your focus to what matters.
I was never afraid
to get hurt. To get drunk. To fall. And fail. To make a fool of myself. To cry.
To be weak. Vulnerable. To express myself. To be myself. Even when I was
figuring it out. And that is my second definition of success. Making sure when
you are reinventing yourself, you are also Evolving. The realisation that we
are work in progress. And everyday is an opportunity to grow and be a better
version of yourself. Being able to take small steps towards that is a win and a
sure pathway to success.
With that comes
another definition of success for me. Be open. Be able to listen and learn. We
are never done, and our truth is not the only truth. Every person in your life
teaches you something you need to know about yourself, others, and the world we
live in.
In the loneliness of one
A brand new star
No old why
No why
No where
Now what
Is it dark
Or bright
Bring me sun
Over the clouds
I am getting the sense
Of my own
On my own
Happy 8th Anniversary
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Not Delivered Anniversary
Nas pequenas coisas do dia-a-dia
Neste teu sorriso
No Adeus de ontem
No que nunca encontraste
E nas dúvidas que tiveste
De que este é o momento
Escolheste certo
Errado seria não avançar
Entre tudo o que não fostes
Ainda é mais belo o que és
Há beleza em voltar para trás
Quando borboletas existem
São reais?
Há beleza no minuto em que sabes
Que a tua verdade te faz
Te traz
Te leva
Te deixa...onde queres estar
Há beleza em redescobrir
Que tudo era diferente do que sentias... e ainda assim nao partiste
Nunca negaste
Lutar...Amar...Sentir...Magoar...Ser o que nunca foste
A procura
O deserto
Há beleza neste incerto
Deste meu Eu... Teu Tu
Nosso Nosso
O encontrar
Há beleza em seres o que escolhes
O que foste...o que és...o que serás